King Of The Hill Porn

King Of The Hill Pornography Story: Naruto plus Bobby equals awsome Chapter Three

King Of The Hill Pornography Story: Naruto plus Bobby equals awsome Chapter Three

A/N: Well school is out for this tired soon to be Junior. I havn’t grasped the consept yet that it’s out and I will never see my old teachers again! But some of them

were really nice.

In any case since it’s summer I’ll get a bunch of free time to update my stories! yay!

Anyways let’s get this show on the road!










Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN KING OF THE HILL…But I wish I did…(pouts)









Bobby was walking home from school. Enjoying the nice day and the feel of summer and a new start.

After a few minutes he arrived at his house and opened the front

door. “Mom?!”

“In the kitchen Bobby!” Bobby smiled slightly and walked in to see his mom reading the paper and drinking coffee. She suddenly noticed that Bobby had entered so

she folded up her paper and stood up. Then poured the rest of the coffee out of here cup. “So Bobby, how was your last day of school?”

“It was fun!”

“Is that so?”

Bobby smiled, “Yeah?!”

“Bobby when do you want to go to the mall?”

Bobby paused in his step, “How about in 15 minutes?”

“Sure thing honey.”

Bobby went into his room and set his light backpack into his closet,never to be seen again until a new school year. He flopped down on his bed and stared at his

ceiling for who knows how long. Before his mom came in.

At the mall…

Bobby went looking threw all the shopping malls, glancing into all the shops for his new image. His mother had wanted to come with him

and help her little boy pick out

new school clothes but this time Bobby fought and insisted that he shop by himself.

After a long argument and many mean glares his mom ,he had finally gotten his wish,

and there he was now. Going threw all of the clothes. He walked slowly and took his precious time.

The first store that caught his eyes was RAVE. He went into the store

and looked around. There was only a couple of people working there at the time.

After all, school had just gotten out only a few hours ago. All the High school kids were

probably getting out right about now. “Thank god most of the older kids weren’t there yet.” He said under his breath.

He looked threw most of the rack and within 25

minutes he had located 1 pair of slightly baggy ripped jeans. And 2 pairs of shorts. Not the ones that he usually wore.

These shorts were long like the other boys had it.

His mom gave him 200.00’s to spend on for clothes. And he had just spent 90.00’s of it.


He then started looking again and went threw GAP,Dillards,and all sorts of other preppy stores. He did find some nice teneshoes and sunglasses at the

goodies next to the food court. He tried not to get too close to the food court. His mom was waiting there for him.

What a drag. (A/N: I made Bobby say drag!haha!)

He then went back and started on the other side of the mall. The right side.



He saw this one place while coming out of radio shack with an itunes gift card. This one place called Hot Topic. He raised one of his eyebrows.

Should I go in? Looks kinda scary…Wait..Naruto wouldn’t be scared would he?! No

sir he wouldn’t! I’m gonna march in there and shop!…That didn’t sound cool.

With his mind made up he slowly entered the store. When he made it in he released the big breath

he was holding in. He smelled the air and it gave off this odd but

wonderful scent! It was sweet and plastic at the same time. If that makes any sense to anyone else.

When he walked in he was greeted by a man with tight black pants and a baggy dark red shirt. His hair was a milk tea color.(A/N: It’s a cute blond color.)

He seemed like the kind of guy some girls would go crazy over. He had this young yet older looking teen look. He couldn’t really describe it. “Can I help you?”

The older teen smiled. Bobby thought about it for a second. WOuld he really be needing this guys help?

He looked briefly around the store with his eyes. this place

seemed cool but he had to admit that he was a little bit scared. Why not ask for help?!

“Yeah actually there is something that I need help with.”

“Anything I can do?”

“Well I want to change my look…”

“Well this is the perfect place to change your look buddy!haha!”

Bobby started to feel less tense. “Okay so do you think you can help me for around an hour?”Bobby started to feel nervous.

This guy looked okay and nice ‘n all.

But would he be willing to help a kid out for that long?

The teen threw his arms up in the air, “Kid look at this store. There aren’t many people here yet! I got

out of school early today cause of a dental appointment. No ones

gonna be here for another 2 hours. Plus it’s gonna be fun changing a lil dude like you.”

Bobby didn’t feel tense anymore. This guy really meant it! He just new it.


The teen placed a hand on Bobbies back and started leading him to the back of the store.

“First off. How much can you spend?”


“That’s a lil low.” Bobby looked really nervous now.

“Actually…let me look at what you have in those bags.”

“Sure” Bobby handed over his bags. The teen looked into them and

pulled out a pairs of pants that looked too small for Bobby to fit into. The teen looked at Bobby

oddly. “Hey kid…I hate to tell you this but these pants you bought look a lil bit to small for you.”

Bobby smiled,”I know, but I’m planning on loosing a ton of weight this summer. And one of the only ways

to do that is to force myself into fitting into some new clothes by


“Well waita go!In that case these clothes are perfect! You should be able to buy

within budget cause these pants are pretty cool. All you need is 3 or 4 T’s and some other







So with the older teens help Bobby had picked out: 3 T’s

a couple black ankle socks

orange dye(A/N:Let’s pretend that his hair grows really fast if he doesn’t cut it so it’s not gonna take but 1 month for it to grow shaggy)

and a couple of Naruto wrist bands. Bobby and the older teen who’s name was

Goku got into a discussion of personal life and talked about Naruto. From Goku Bobby

learned that Naruto was an Anime.

Goku and Bobby became friends.

But soon it was time for Bobby to start heading for his mom.

“It was great meeting you Bobby. Ya might be younger but your really cool.”

“Your really cool too. I didn’t know about all the stuff about anime.”

“You know what?”


“We should hang out this summer.”

“I don’t know. Don’t you think I would cramp your style?”

“Not really. Me and my sisters friends are mostly out of town for summer vacation. It’s a real bum out.”

“You have a sister?”

“Yeah. But that’s not important right now. So were do you want to hang out?”

“Well I can do anything at almost any time. But I have to be at home by 9:30 every night.”

“That’s cool, I can drive you.”

“My dad wouldn’t like that.”

“ know what? I’ll call you at around 8:30 and We will talk everything out then.”

“Sounds good to me!”

they quickly exchanged Phone #’s and left. Bobbies mind was whirling! He had found someone to hang out with this summer.




Bobby raced to the food court were his mom was just about to get up and head toward the shops. He could see the worry that was evident in her face.

When he reached her he was bombarded with several questions.

: Where have you been?

I was about to call the police!

Did you forget when we were supposed to meet?

What did you buy?


Bobby pulled the bags away from his mother before she could glance at his clothes.

She blanched,”Why won’t you let me see what you’ve bought sweetheart?”

Bobby grew cold beads of sweat.

“It’s a surprise! It’s not anything too weird. Just a little more different. More like how other kids are wearing there clothes. So don’t worry.”

Bobby’s mom looked at him suspiciously before letting it go…for now at least.

“‘Cmon Bobby! Let’s go home.”

Bobby reluctantly followed his mom to the car.

When he left he had feelings whirling inside of his body.





and optimism.

Who knows what the future will hold for him.


A/N: Well I wasn’t planning on making this chapter so long. But there was a big fat storm over the area were my house was and turns out that our Internet was

disconnected. My dad had to buy a new disc for twenty dollars cause we broke ours a long while ago(for reloading our internet software).

Not to mention that I tore my room up trying to find the

wrong disc’

How stupid can ya get?!

In any case, If you get this chapter then you will know that our disc to re install our Internet came and worked.

If you have any ideas for the story then please tell me! If you have a good one that I can put you in the fic too!

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