King Of The Hill Porn

King Of The Hill Porn Story: Bobby’s Confession – Chapter 3

King Of The Hill Porn Story: Bobby’s Confession – Chapter 3


that night, Hank gave Bobby a stern talking-to in his room. Bobby,
youre going to explain yourself right now! ordered Hank. I
cant believe you were wearing a bikini! Not only
that, but you were stealing! I am ashamed of you!

Bobby started, looking around his room. Ive got something to
tell you.

listening, Hank said, giving Bobby a hard stare.

was stuck, though. He couldnt just flat out tell Hank that he was
a transvestite. Hank would be ashamed of him and probably give him
the biggest lecture hed ever heard. Bobby knew it was wrong, but
he just couldnt help himself. He was just so attracted to frilly

Dad, never mind, Bobby sighed. Ill just take any punishment
you throw at me.

good, Im glad thats settled, Hank said. Tomorrow, you
are going to weed out the backyard, and then, youre going to do
some maintenance up in the attic.

couldnt sleep at all that night. He tossed and turned, still
thinking about how great he felt in that bikini. He was determined
to do it again. But if he did, Hank would never let him hear the end
of it.

The next
morning, the Hills went to the Arlen First Methodist Church as they
did every Sunday. Bobby sat through Reverend Stroupes long
lecture and hoped that it went on for a long time so that he could
avoid his punishment. Hank, however, wished Reverend Stroupe would
hurry up because he couldnt wait to punish Bobby.

When the
Hills returned home, Hank put Bobby to work as he promised. First,
Bobby pulled weeds out of the backyard, while Hank stood behind him,
watching him work. Bobby grumbled as he did so. He had better
things to do with his time than slave for Hank. He couldnt help
himself. He was wild about girls clothes, and it was just part of
his personality. He wanted to get the work over with so he could see
about satisfying his fetish.

Bobby was finished weeding the backyard, Hank and he went up to the
attic to fix it up. Hank moved everything downstairs so that they
could work. Hank and Bobby were nailing plywood to the floor to make
a walkable floor. They also started working on a partition. Bobby
was curious about the attic work. Dad, whats this all for?

son, Hank answered, sounding calm for the first time in a while,
Peggy and I have been thinking that someday we might adopt a
child, and we just want to fix this room up for that child.

that going to be? Bobby asked.

knows, Bobby? It could be tomorrow or one-hundred years from now.
Were not really sure, but were still thinking about it.
Bobby didnt really care about Hank and Peggys future plans. He
just wanted to get his work done. After he was finished constructing
the partition in the attic, Hank let him go. Go straight to your
room, mister, Hank said, sounding strict again. Bobby obeyed and
went downstairs. He shut the door to his room and locked it.

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